Bringing the Humanities to Healthcare
"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is a love of humanity."
Health Humanities and the Pandemic
Penn State's HumIn Focus program delves into how humanistic medicine addresses public health challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlighting initiatives like the Penn State College of Medicine's Health Physicians Writers Group, and the Covid Chronicles, this program fosters storytelling among medical practitioners, artists, and the public to enhance empathy and understanding.
Compassion and empathy are crucial in medicine, improving patient-practitioner communication and care. Healthcare systems lacking a focus on empathy risk delivering care devoid of human values, which are essential for equitable access and compassionate treatment of diverse communities.
As humanistic medicine gains prominence, it addresses gaps in traditional medical practices and emphasizes that empathy is vital for the health of individuals, families, and communities.
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Covid Chronicles

Writers and artists from around the world create comics to comment on the ways in which individuals, societies, governments, and markets reacted to the worldwide crisis. Listen to the WPSU interview with the creators. Take Note: 'COVID Chronicles' Explores The Pandemic Through Comics, From Funny To Deadly Serious
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Personal expression enables physicians to process their caregiving experiences and share these insights with the public. This communication fosters empathy and compassion, which in turn enhances health outcomes.